Hello world!

Welcome to version 3 or 4 of Yet another Murray Family website. Started way back in 1998 or 2002, this website was designed for sharing stuff with friends and family. Most of the content here is now historic as we and our friends and family have moved to social networks such as Facebook for communicating.

However, we have recently revived it with a new design and some new content. It also might be easier to find some stuff here too – the collection of family recipes for example.

Topics covered are celebrating life events, good books we have read, our travels and recipes we have invented or collected.


Ryan is learning about times, dates and calendars. We passed McDonalds about a week ago.

Ryan said “We went to McDonalds in 2006. We might go there next year.”


Edria was using an eraser.
Ryan said “Mummy do you need to backspace?”.

Ryan likes writing and he filled in a form.
In Address he wrote his email address.
In Email he wrote his email address again.